Purple brings bad luck and other superstitions: how many are there in the fashion world?

Don’t put your hat on the bed and don’t give your shoes as gifts. And wallets always with a coin inside, for good luck! But how many beliefs are there related to the world of clothes and accessories?

Fashion, with its evolutions and trends, does not shy away from the fascination of superstitions. Often, these influence not only the choice of clothing but also that of jewellery and accessories.

We at Fratinardi wanted to collect a few, how many of these did you know?

Bad-luck colours

Each culture associates colours with a different meaning. For example, black in the West is the colour of mourning, while in China, Japan and Korea it is white, associating with rebirth after death in Buddhist and animist traditions.

But that’s not all! If in Italy purple is a colour laden with bad luck, never to be worn at the theatre, in England we have blue, in France green and in Spain yellow.

Little tidbit: in the Middle Ages, during Lent, Italian actors could not work and therefore, earn money. As purple was the colour associated with this particular religious time, it became synonymous with bad luck.

But times have changed, and unless you are a particularly superstitious person, we have plenty of purple, yellow, green and blue clothes on Fratinardi!

Never the hat on the bed!

After a hard day at work, who has never come home and thrown their hat and jacket on the bed? Or the nice, wide-brimmed ones you use to protect yourself on a sunny day?

Well, you’ve just gained a lot of bad luck.

An all-Italian belief associates this gesture with that of doctors and priests who used to visit the terminally ill and, distracted by the moment, would abandon the hair on the dying person’s bedside.

But we don’t believe it any more: put your hat bought on Fratinardi.it wherever you want, keep the jinx away with lots of positive thoughts!

Never give shoes as gifts

We have already debunked this myth in a previous article which we leave here, but repetita iuvant and we explain it again here!

With shoes we walk in, walk out and walk away: this could, in fact, make us walk away from the person we gave them to.

No, your ex who ghosted you didn’t do it because of that nice pair of Hogan Hyperactives you gave him. He’s just a big… You complete the sentence with any epithet you like.

In any case, to make the bad luck mild, just give the shoes a token coin in exchange, so it will be as if they were purchased and there is no problem.

Gifting an empty wallet

There is not much to explain: an empty wallet will always be seen as a jinx. Of course, today between credit cards and mobile phone payments, so many have it because they keep their money in an account.

However, until recently, for many an empty wallet was a symbol of poverty. That is why even today, when we give one as a present, we traditionally put a few euros in it, otherwise that person will not see the money.


We could go on forever with superstitions in fashion, including pearls, hats, colours and more, but we’ll stop here!

Don’t worry, you can buy your favourite good(s)fortune on Fratinardi.it or in our store in Battipaglia (Salerno, Italy).

We are waiting for you!

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ultima modifica: 2024-04-17T12:29:46+02:00 da Valeria Rusto

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